Monday, November 9, 2009

what is life

Life is a delay of the spontaneous diffusion or dispersion of the internal energy of the biomolecules toward more potential microstates.

Life is the transfer of energy by the Proton Motive Force carried out by some specialized molecules called ATP synthases bonded to a biomembrane. Then, life is a state of the energy experienced by a specific array of organic matter. The most important thing to keep in mind is that, thanks to those oscillations in the electrochemical field of a biomembrane, some thermodynamic systems are able to delay the dispersion of their energy toward more potential microstates.

This article was written by Nasif Nahle © 2004
At the origin of life, a cloud of particles generated by our Sun elapsed through an electromagnetic hole and each particle was reemitted toward an assembly of waves in their point of cooperation. The particles so attracted collided with all types of matter previously ordered by the electromagnetic force through all the Solar System. The collision between wave-particles and the ordinary matter provoked different macrostates in correspondence with the nature of the molecular arrangement of ordinary matter.

Some arrangements of matter constituted thermodynamic systems which macrostates did not permit that the energy state were maintained by themselves. This condition limited the property of those systems to escape from the real increase in the number of their available microstates, acquiring spontaneously a thermal state of equilibrium.

Another specific organization of matter had a macrostate in which the energy fluctuation could be maintained because that system owned multiple inner structures that favored, sequentially, the acquisition of photons that held transitorily the continuum of the primary energy fluctuation.

This class of thermodynamic system, determined by the electromagnetic field, acquired the capability of delaying the increment of microstates that would take it to a thermal state of equilibrium (succession of intervals in the spontaneous flow of thermal equilibrium). Consequently, the energy state prompted that thermodynamic system to capture photons for retarding temporarily the spontaneous increment of local entropy inherent to that system, increasing with it the global entropy of the Universe.

It is that energy fluctuation what makes us to be alive. As long as living beings have the capacity of capturing photons that are able of being reemitted toward the harmonic points of their corresponding waves, we will be alive.

At the moment in which we were unable to retain that capacity, life in us will stop, that is to say, the energy state will jump from the living matter toward another not quantity of energy needed for life of energy. The latter would not be possible if the energy state were not subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, therefore, upon dying the biosystem, its biotic energy state will jump from a field of high density toward another low density field, where -by the position and the nature of movements of the kinetic energy- it would no longer prompt to other systems to set intervals in the ordinary flow of thermal equilibrium.

Some people have dared me to define life without relating it to weird "energy states". Well, this is an easier task than to relate it to an energy state. Here it goes:

Life is the energy state in some thermodynamic systems that compels them to establish a stable succession of no-spontaneous intervals in the trajectory of diffusion or dispersion of energy.
This article was written by Nasif Nahle © 2004
The living thermodynamic systems maintain a cuasi-stable amount of microstates that had to be increased spontaneously (change of entropy), temporarily expanding the increase of their local entropy. Nonliving thermodynamic systems also can maintain a limited number of available microsystems. Nevertheless, in nonliving thermodynamic systems there are not internal operators that carry out this action, whereas the living systems have a series of processes in cascade that operate from their internal system and maintain their quantum energy state within a thermal no equilibrium. Let's determine if viruses and Erythrocytes are living beings or not:

From the previous examples, we infer that life does not reside neither in DNA and RNA molecules, nor in autocatalytic proteins, but that life is experienced by biomembranes.

From the previous examples, we infer that life is not the organization of the system. Erythrocytes do not have a complex cell organization as other cells of the organism have; however, erythrocytes are alive. This obeys to the preservation of their cell membranes. Hence, it is evident that life is an energy state experienced by biomembranes.

It is also evident that the molecules of nucleic acids are not living molecules, although they have the fundamental function of reproduction of the biosystems, the transmission of characteristics from a biosystem to its progeny and the control of the metabolic processes in biosystems.

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